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Der Prozess der Gin-Herstellung ist euch bekannt. Unzählige Male hat euer Großvater euch diesen erklärt und gezeigt. Im ersten Schritt, der Mazeration werden die verschiedenen Zutaten in Alkohol eingelegt. So werden die Aromastoffe aus den Botanicals gezogen. Anschließend wird das Gemisch destilliert und nach einer kurzen Lagerung wird der Gin abgefüllt. Die Frage ist nur, habt ihr die richtigen Zutaten?





Datum | Name | Bewertung |
31/03/2024 | Doreen | |
15/03/2024 | Alexa / Daniel / Dietmar | |
13/03/2024 | Gast | |
09/03/2024 | Gast | |
05/03/2024 | Die 4 Freunde | |
05/03/2024 | Gast | |
05/03/2024 | Franziska und Alex | |
02/03/2024 | Ginie in a Bottle | |
01/03/2024 | Gast | |
01/03/2024 | Kathrin | |
01/03/2024 | Dennis & Milena | |
26/02/2024 | Lydia | |
24/02/2024 | Gast | |
24/02/2024 | Gast | |
24/02/2024 | Gast | |
24/02/2024 | Gast | |
17/02/2024 | Käpt'n Schubber | |
11/02/2024 | Gast | |
09/02/2024 | Gast | |
04/02/2024 | Gast | |
24/01/2024 | Christoph | |
20/01/2024 | Dido | |
19/01/2024 | Lucas Kobisch & Sven | |
15/01/2024 | Rita und Bea | |
14/01/2024 | Gast | |
13/01/2024 | Gast | |
06/01/2024 | Andrea | |
06/01/2024 | Luis | |
05/01/2024 | Chris | |
05/01/2024 | Gast | |
04/01/2024 | Gast | |
04/01/2024 | Nic / Franny Flower | |
03/01/2024 | Samira | |
03/01/2024 | Maik | |
03/01/2024 | Fabian/ Lea | |
01/01/2024 | Kathi | |
01/01/2024 | Gast | |
01/01/2024 | Gast | |
01/01/2024 | Roger | |
31/12/2023 | Norman | |
31/12/2023 | Bece | |
31/12/2023 | Escape Room Busters | |
31/12/2023 | Gast | |
30/12/2023 | Thomas | |
29/12/2023 | Team M | |
29/12/2023 | Anna | |
29/12/2023 | Team MÖ | |
29/12/2023 | Gast | |
29/12/2023 | Gast | |
29/12/2023 | Lars | |
29/12/2023 | Rene der Räuber | |
28/12/2023 | Gast | |
28/12/2023 | Gast | |
27/12/2023 | Gast | |
27/12/2023 | Ulli | |
27/12/2023 | Gast | |
27/12/2023 | Sandra | |
26/12/2023 | Gast | |
26/12/2023 | Svenny | |
25/12/2023 | Hartwig | |
25/12/2023 | Barbara | |
25/12/2023 | Gast | |
23/12/2023 | Christine | |
23/12/2023 | Lara | |
22/12/2023 | Gast | |
20/12/2023 | Svenja | |
17/12/2023 | Gast | |
17/12/2023 | Anja | |
16/12/2023 | Gast | |
16/12/2023 | Steffen | |
16/12/2023 | Thekenhannes | |
16/12/2023 | MAYO | |
15/12/2023 | Gast | |
15/12/2023 | Gintasten | |
15/12/2023 | Frank | |
12/12/2023 | Captain Aarrrrgh | |
09/12/2023 | Gast | |
09/12/2023 | Gast | |
06/12/2023 | Fabius & Co | |
06/12/2023 | Nikolaus | |
02/12/2023 | Franzi | |
02/12/2023 | Die Gineasten | |
01/12/2023 | Peter P. | |
01/12/2023 | Gast | |
01/12/2023 | Gast | |
30/11/2023 | Rumtata | |
29/11/2023 | Carsten | |
29/11/2023 | mega | |
27/11/2023 | Katharina&Xados | |
17/11/2023 | Gast | |
14/11/2023 | Kathi | |
10/11/2023 | Gast | |
09/11/2023 | Florin | |
08/11/2023 | Tarin | |
06/11/2023 | Cornelia | |
03/11/2023 | Gast | |
28/10/2023 | Markus | |
26/10/2023 | Jaro | |
26/10/2023 | Babo | |
25/10/2023 | Gast | |
24/10/2023 | Melli | |
22/10/2023 | Anni | |
21/10/2023 | Ramona | |
14/10/2023 | Kühne Jabin | |
14/10/2023 | Myri | |
07/10/2023 | Vanessa | |
29/09/2023 | Karen | |
27/09/2023 | Beatrix | |
23/09/2023 | Rebekka | |
23/09/2023 | Gast | |
21/09/2023 | Gast | |
16/09/2023 | Cindy & Friends | |
16/09/2023 | Gast | |
15/09/2023 | Randolf | |
14/09/2023 | Gast | |
09/09/2023 | PETER | |
09/09/2023 | Gast | |
08/09/2023 | Gast | |
06/09/2023 | Matthias | |
06/09/2023 | Celina | |
06/09/2023 | Gast | |
02/09/2023 | Gast | |
01/09/2023 | Oliver | |
25/08/2023 | Nora | |
20/08/2023 | Kamil | |
16/08/2023 | Rummy | |
16/08/2023 | Cocktails statt Regen | |
13/08/2023 | Gast | |
12/08/2023 | Gast | |
12/08/2023 | Gast | |
12/08/2023 | Mary | |
06/08/2023 | Tanja | |
06/08/2023 | Monkey D Luffy | |
06/08/2023 | Gast | |
06/08/2023 | Gast | |
04/08/2023 | Gast | |
01/08/2023 | Kirsten | |
30/07/2023 | Milena | |
21/07/2023 | Miri | |
14/07/2023 | Rene | |
12/07/2023 | Gast | |
01/07/2023 | Gast | |
28/06/2023 | Matthias | |
24/06/2023 | Pirates of the RUMebean | |
16/06/2023 | Gast | |
10/06/2023 | Franzi | |
10/06/2023 | Gast | |
05/06/2023 | Heike | |
05/06/2023 | Simone | |
05/06/2023 | Michael Boldt | |
20/05/2023 | Simon | |
20/05/2023 | Dennis | |
20/05/2023 | Kathrin | |
20/05/2023 | Mi | |
20/05/2023 | Gast | |
15/05/2023 | Gast | |
14/05/2023 | liSue | |
11/05/2023 | RUMtastisch | |
11/05/2023 | Gast | |
10/05/2023 | Krupke | |
08/05/2023 | Gast | |
29/04/2023 | Fabius & Co. | |
25/04/2023 | Saboteur | |
25/04/2023 | RUMfummler | |
16/04/2023 | Björn | |
16/04/2023 | Kübra | |
15/04/2023 | Tobias | |
15/04/2023 | Stefan | |
13/04/2023 | Gast | |
12/04/2023 | Gast | |
12/04/2023 | Daniel Seger | |
09/04/2023 | Sonja | |
09/04/2023 | Ben | |
08/04/2023 | Olle | |
08/04/2023 | Cordelia | |
08/04/2023 | Gast | |
31/03/2023 | Gast | |
25/03/2023 | Jürgen | |
25/03/2023 | Gast | |
25/03/2023 | Herf | |
25/03/2023 | Gast | |
21/03/2023 | Susi | |
20/03/2023 | Magnus | |
19/03/2023 | GinTrupp | |
19/03/2023 | Gast | |
18/03/2023 | Tippi Toppi | |
18/03/2023 | Gast | |
18/03/2023 | Gast | |
18/03/2023 | Gast | |
12/03/2023 | Dana | |
12/03/2023 | Petra | |
12/03/2023 | Thalia | |
11/03/2023 | Claudia | |
06/03/2023 | Die Unbesiegbaren | |
05/03/2023 | Gast | |
04/03/2023 | KH | |
04/03/2023 | Gast | |
04/03/2023 | Gast | |
04/03/2023 | Annemarie | |
01/03/2023 | Geburtstagskind | |
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